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Top 10 Free And Paid Alternatives To ChatGPT – Review 2023

10 Best ChatGPT Alternatives Free and Paid

Looking for alternative chatbot options to ChatGPT? While ChatGPT has gained immense popularity, its servers have been frequently overloaded, making it difficult for users to access the bot. Fortunately, there are numerous ChatGPT alternatives available that you can explore. Whether you are unable to access ChatGPT or simply want to try out other similar services, this guide has got you covered. We have compiled a list of various ChatGPT alternatives that you can consider. So, without any delay, open up your browser and discover other AI bots that you can have a conversation with.

Top ChatGPT Alternatives in 2023 (Free & Paid)

Even though we have included a number of tools that are comparable to ChatGPT, we have also added more related AI products that we think you will find interesting. Check out the tools that interest you using the table below.

Google Bard

Several people have been keeping an eye on Google since since ChatGPT became popular. Google has finally given in to criticism and opened the gates after being silent for a while due to concerns over the possible abuse of its chatbot AI. Google Bard is a trial conversational AI service, as CEO Sundar Pichai announced in the business’ most recent blog post. A simplified version of LaMDA, Google’s own next-generation language and conversational model, powers Bard.

Curious about how Google Bard compares to ChatGPT? According to Google Bard aims to combine the vastness of the world’s knowledge with the intelligence and creativity of its language models. One significant advantage that Bard has over ChatGPT is its ability to draw information from the web, providing more up-to-date responses. In contrast, ChatGPT’s dataset only extends up until 2021. However, Bard is currently available to a select few “trusted testers,” and there has been no official announcement from Google regarding its integration into their search engine. Nevertheless, Google plans to incorporate more AI-powered features into Google Search, including quick answers to users’ inquiries. As Bard becomes available to the public, it may eventually compete with ChatGPT as another popular AI service.

Microsoft Bing

Bing trip plan

Microsoft is also attempting to enter the AI business, in addition to Google. The IT company recently unveiled their enhanced ChatGPT-powered Microsoft Bing search engine, which they refer to as the “Prometheus model.” Microsoft claims that the Prometheus model is quicker and more precise than its prior iteration.

The new Bing now has a Chat mode that pulls in online queries and lets users ask for context-specific information in response to their questions. In a recent event, Microsoft showed off this functionality by using Bing to filter a user’s request for TV suggestions. Similar capabilities are available on Bing as they are on ChatGPT, enabling users to schedule travel, find recipes, get advice, and more. Bing will be available for free while remaining under restricted preview.

You can join the waitlist and keep an eye out for this amazing ChatGPT alternative.


One of the newest and most comprehensive ChatGPT alternatives that has recently gained popularity is Chatsonic. Because ChatGPT was developed on top of it, it now has access to all of its enormous potential. Yet because it can access the Internet, the latter can’t yet compete with an AI chatbot in terms of functionality and expertise.

Access to internet provides broader knowledgeOnly 25 free generations per day
Offers 16 different personas to converse with
Has a built-in image generator
Offers a browser extension and Android app
Can respond back in voice

ChatSonic has the ability to output answers using internet results, which gives it access to the latest information and makes it less prone to errors. The AI chatbot can also remember conversations and draw on them to continue the flow, and it offers 16 different personas for a more diverse conversation experience. Unlike ChatGPT, ChatSonic also offers voice responses and has a built-in image generator. Additionally, it offers a browser extension and an Android app for easy access.

However, the free version of ChatSonic only allows 25 free generations per day, which can be a drawback for heavy users. To generate more images, you’ll need to use your Writesonic word balance or opt for the long-form plan that starts at $12.67 per month. Nevertheless, overall, ChatSonic is an impressive alternative to ChatGPT.

Try ChatSonic

Jasper Chat

Jasper has a long history of success in the field of artificial intelligence content creation. But, Jasper also includes a relatively new chatbot in addition to its content generating capabilities and other services. This ChatGPT substitute, aptly called Jasper Chat, is built on GPT 3.5 as well as additional language models and includes OpenAI as a partner. JasperChat, in contrast to ChatGPT, was created for companies like marketing, advertising, and other similar fields.

Jasper Chat

Jasper Chat is an AI chatbot that can hold medium to complex conversations in 29 languages, thanks to its learning from billions of articles and information. While it may not have the latest information, it comes with a toggle to include Google search data for more power. During testing, Jasper Chat proved to be a good companion for various tasks such as writing video scripts, telling jokes and tongue twisters, and creating ad copies. It also has contextual memory, which means it remembers your past prompts.

However, it is not a research engine and its outputs should always be fact-checked. The basic version of Jasper Chat is free, but to access all the features, you need to subscribe to the Boss or Business plan, starting at $59 per month. While the paywall may be a drawback, it is worth considering the 5-day trial to see if Jasper Chat fits your needs.

Can hold intelligent conversationsLocked behind an expensive paywall
A boon for marketers and working professionalsSlightly old dataset
Offers contextual memory for past promptsAll outputs should be fact-checked
Can include Google search data for more power
Jasper Chat is free to use

Try Jasper Chat

Character AI

Although Chatsonic features personalities, the idea behind this ChatGPT substitute is centered solely upon them. The neural language models that form the foundation of character AI have been trained from the bottom up with talks in mind. Instead of talking with a single AI chatbot, Character allows consumers to select from a variety of personas.

Character AI

Character AI offers a unique and entertaining experience by allowing users to chat with famous personalities such as Elon Musk, Tony Stark, Socrates, Joe Biden, and Kanye West. Depending on the chosen character, the AI adjusts its conversational style accordingly. For instance, chatting with Kanye West would result in egotistical responses, while Socrates would provide calm and thoughtful answers. Character AI also supports voice input and provides distinct voices for each character.

Creating a character is a fun process that allows users to customize the name, greeting, description, voice, and avatar of the character. The AI has an in-built image generator that creates avatars based on the user’s preferences. Once the character is created, the user can start chatting right away and share the conversation with others.

However, Character AI is slower compared to ChatGPT and similar services, with the AI taking time to finish its sentences. This issue may be resolved with more user data and future updates. Although Character AI is free, users need to create an account since the chat gets locked after a few messages.

Vast character selectionSlower than usual responses
Interesting conversations with
different characters
Creating your own character is fun

Try Character AI


Like ChatGPT, which is integrated into a search engine of the same name, YouChat is a reliable AI chatbot. YouChat, which is trained on an updated big language ChatGPT model, can have discussions while having full access to the Internet. Because of its connectedness, the bot is always current with knowledge and can provide correct replies both in conversation and in conjunction with search results.


Interacting with YouChat is simple and effortless. You can start chatting by going to the chat page and typing in your query. Similar to ChatGPT, YouChat has the ability to provide various types of information such as coding, advice, concept explanations, book summaries, and more. However, occasionally the bot may freeze and state that it is unable to provide an answer at the moment.

One drawback of YouChat is the absence of additional features like microphone input, chat sharing, or personalities. Nonetheless, the chatbot compensates for this by maintaining an updated information database. The best part is that YouChat is free to use, so you can easily access the website and start chatting.

Chatbot provides up-to-date informationBot glitches out and refuses to answer sometimes
ChatGPT-like functionality so you don’t miss out

Try YouChat

OpenAI Playground

It is important to note right away that OpenAI Playground is not a tool that should be used on a regular basis. OpenAI Playground is the way to go, though, if you’re unable to access ChatGPT but still want a sample of its features. This web-based program functions similarly to ChatGPT but offers considerably more sophisticated features, such as the choice of a certain language model to test out.

After choosing a model, you may play with with various elements including the model’s randomization, token count, frequency penalty, halt sequences, and more. As you can probably guess by now, OpenAI Playground is not a plug-and-play application designed for regular users. Nonetheless, for those who are experienced and desire to test out the different models before building an AI tool, it provides immense customization.

OpenAI Playground

OpenAI Playground is a demo version of ChatGPT that offers outputs equivalent to ChatGPT and provides a good idea of the actual service. Users can experiment with various ChatGPT prompts discussed in this article. The bot receives input and provides a response accurate enough, depending on the language model. Additionally, this chatbot demo supports speech-to-text inputs, and users can even upload an audio recording.

Unlike other AI bots, Playground does not slow down and provides responses instantly. It is also free to use after signing up for an account. If ChatGPT is unavailable, users can try OpenAI Playground. However, it is important to note that access may be lost if the server is in high demand.

Spoiled for choice with language learning modelsNot for everyday users
ChatGPT level accuracy and response speed

Try OpenAI Playground


GODEL AI has replaced Microsoft’s DialoGPT, but it is still a free, entertaining, and amusing AI. Dialo has a small dataset because it was trained on 147 million Reddit multi-turn discussions. Also, it supports multi-turn responses, so it will keep track of your prior responses. You may utilize HuggingFace’s inference API to test out Dialo as putting it up manually can be challenging. You can use the AI’s suggested prompts, or you can create your own and have Dialo respond to it.

Responses from DialoGPT are, at most, passable. The AI is designed to be a little happy, so it is prone to confusion. The AI responded that it is unaware of a horrific occurrence when questioned about it but is sure it’s a good thing. As you might be able to tell, that’s not the case.

I didn’t notice much improvement in DialoGPT’s contextual awareness, as it had a tendency to forget our previous conversation. However, this could be due to the fact that it is running on an API and not yet fully trained. Additionally, it lacks any extra features such as model selection, microphone input, or image generators.

While DialoGPT is free to set up, it may not be the cutting-edge AI solution you were hoping for. Nevertheless, it can serve as a satisfactory chatbot if all you need is a simple conversational partner.

Casual and lighthearted chatbotNot very smart with responses
Simple and easy to useDidn’t remember previous answers.

Try DialoGPT

Perplexity AI

An alternative to ChatGPT called Perplexity AI has been trained using OpenAI API as well, and as a result, it performs well and provides thoughtful replies. The website itself has a simplistic design and is easy to navigate. The program includes ChatGPT-like features, such as the capacity to carry on discussions and deliver straightforward to subtle replies. Perplexity, on the other hand, even references the sources it uses to respond to your questions, unlike ChatGPT. The ability to view the original content is convenient, but it exposes the AI to unintentional plagiarism.

Every time it is asked a question, the AI identifies its source at the end of each phrase, just like Wikipedia, and oftentimes also draws information from it. I searched through the sources throughout the period I utilized the AI to seek for instances of copy-pasting but found none. It’s encouraging to see Perplexity taking the necessary precautions.

This chatbot was able to hold its own in a range of talks without sounding lost. As I was unable to locate a multi-turn answer capability in this instance, it was unable to rely on earlier prompts. Talkback and personalities are also useless because there is no other method to communicate with the AI other than writing. On the website, there is a nice dark mode, so there’s that.

Holds good conversations without being confusedMight accidentally copy from sources
Cites sources with answersNo additional features
Minimalist website layoutCan’t remember past responses

Try Perplexity AI

Caktus AI

While the ChatGPT alternatives previously mentioned provide their own sources, Caktus AI is a platform that is entirely geared at students. The business claims that Caktus is the first educational application of artificial intelligence that enables students to automate their schoolwork so they may concentrate on other activities.

As a result, it includes a range of student-oriented resources. They range from basic paragraph and essay writers to conversations, inquiries, and even coding. Via personalized cover letter writers and language tutoring, students may even receive assistance with their careers and language skills.

Caktus AI

A user may choose any tool and start using it right away. I tried out a number of its products, such as the cover letter, personal statement, essay, and even the grammar checker. When it comes to promptly delivering outputs via its many tools, Caktus works quite well. To ensure that students have proper information while writing essays, Caktus offers sources in the form of Cited work.

Please be aware, though, that Caktus AI is not free. Not even a free trial is available to try out the service. An account must be created and registration is required as soon as a user clicks on a tool. Caktus now only provides a monthly service that costs $9.99 per month. Students are allowed to utilize all of the plan’s features and it offers limitless characters.

Dedicated AI to help studentsNo free trial
A mixture of helpful educational tools
Cites sources for accurate information

Try Caktus AI

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

How do AI chatbots work?

For those who don’t know, AI chatbots are computer programs and mobile applications that mimic human dialogue. To put it even more simply, AI chatbots give users the impression that they are conversing with real people rather than automated systems. The number of AI chatbots has greatly expanded since ChatGPT’s emergence. AI chatbots are capable of a variety of other tasks in addition to speaking, such as composing essays and doing mathematical operations. As stated in the article, several of the ChatGPT alternatives listed below serve as complete AI chatbots. So, you are free to engage in dialogue with these bots and expect them to reply in kind.

Use The Best ChatGPT Alternatives Today

We hope some of these ChatGPT substitutes perform as well as the original AI chatbot. As you can see, there are plenty of AI bots available. In fact, Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, intends to create his own ChatGPT substitute. Rumor has it that he is contacting former DeepMind researcher Igor Babuschkin. If he is successful, OpenAI, the business he previously started, will face direct competition from his brainchild.

After investigating them, have a look at these 5 tips for detecting an AI-generated image and browse them using AI visuals. Check out the linked article if you’re interested in deepfake websites and applications that can change your appearance and produce original visual material.

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