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TikTok 2023 study: the best days and times to post your videos

TikTok 2023 study the best days and times to post your videos

The Metricool platform has just published a trend study on TikTok. This analyzes posts from accounts of different sizes to determine the factors that contribute to success on TikTok.

For its study, Metricool sifted through 1,907,846 videos from 48,591 accounts, over a period of 180 days. The accounts selected, personal or professional, are of variable size, with the aim of refining the recommendations according to the audience of your account.

Metricool has thus established 5 categories: Tiny, Small, Medium, Big and Huge. The analysis notably offers relevant indicators on the periods and frequencies of publication offering the greatest visibility. What day to publish, at what time, and how often? Here are the answers to all these questions!

The Metricool platform has just published a trend study on TikTok

What is the best day to post on TikTok?

Let’s get to the heart of the matter: the best day to post a video is Friday, with an average of 28,676 views on the analyzed videos (see the front page graph). But the difference between the days is not colossal: the worst performing day, Saturday, collects an average of 25,430 views. In addition, it is on Tuesday that the most comments are posted.

Conversely, when we look at the number of videos published each day, we see that the difference is greater. Metricool counts 197,000 videos posted on average on Sunday, compared to 310,000 on Tuesday, which suggests that some days are more competitive than others.

What is the best day to post on TikTok?

What time should you post a video on TikTok?

Regarding the time of publication of videos, Metricool analysis is unequivocal: the best time slot to publish videos is between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. The number of active subscribers peaks at 8 p.m., except on Saturdays when the peak of activity is at 6 p.m. After 8 p.m., activity on the platform drops rapidly.

The study recalls, however, that this data is an overall average of all the accounts analyzed and that TikTok can suggest publication schedules adapted to the activity of your audience.

What time should you post a video on TikTok?

What is the right frequency of posting?

The study shows that the frequency of publication has an impact on the number of views and interactions on videos. She also explains that the Huge accounts (the most followed) have the particularity of having a higher frequency of publication with an average of 2 videos posted per day, against one every two days for the Tiny accounts. The engagement rate is nevertheless relatively little impacted by the frequency of publication.

In addition, the length of the video has an influence on the number of views, but also on the engagement rate. The longest videos (around 40 seconds) indeed obtain better results on these two indicators.

What is the right frequency of posting?

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A solution to manage your social networks and analyze your performance


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