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SEO: will AI tools revolutionize content writing?

SEO will AI tools revolutionize content writing

SEO will AI tools revolutionize content writing

While we may not be at the point of a revolution (yet), there is no doubt that ChatGPT is the talk of the town. I don’t spend a single day or appointment since the launch of OpenAI’s conversational solution without a question of the same ilk being asked.

Yes, ChatGPT is having a big impact on SEO, but maybe not exactly in the way you’d think.

Is the arrival of content generation tools like ChatGPT having a big impact on the SEO domain ?

Among the topics that are often discussed is text generation. Hundreds of examples circulate about ChatGPT ability to invent, to be creative as we would be. Ask him to compose a poem and you will be more moved than if Cyrano de Bergerac himself was the author. But there are many other facets of ChatGPT that can be used directly for SEO or to help with content creation, without letting the robot write freewheeling. Suggesting content structures, composing summaries or helping with paraphrasing are all things to explore. But we don’t necessarily realize all the tasks that an SEO performs during his day and that deserve a little automation.

ChatGPT doesn’t necessarily mean the end of web copywriters, but it certainly paves the way for a lassitude towards many existing tools. Like all the micro-tools allowing the generation of regular expressions and the creation of large quantities of titles and meta descriptions.

In your opinion, is the use of these tools for SEO content writing relevant?

Of course! Any extra help is good to have. If we are thinking of files, guides or articles, the content generation tools may not be powerful enough to do all the work. The need to conform to an editorial line or to check formulations to avoid misunderstandings are all points that require a human point of view. This is especially true for content from regulated professions, which are often in the spectrum of so-called “YMYL” (Your Money, Your Live) content. However, all content that was already subject to relative automation can benefit from these generation tools. I am thinking in particular of product catalog references or user manuals.

What are the risks of using AI-generated content, especially in relation to Google’s policies?

Certainly not. This has even been the subject of official communication. In reality, an AI generation tool is still a tool. It can be seen as an aid or as a stand-alone tool that produces content. The most important thing is to check the sources and to proofread and edit seriously what you finally put online.

Finally, it is certainly better to have a good content generated by an AI, which has been verified and validated, rather than an article written by an unknown person and without any control of the words developed.

What I would criticize today is the excessive use of AI and the fact that we trust it too easily. If we assume that the information taken by the AI comes from online corpora… since when do we fully agree with what we find online?

What recommendations would you give to those who want to generate SEO content with AI tools?

Choose your tool well, learn about the methods used and make sure you are in agreement with them. One may have the reflex to want to generate content, but there are also many steps, from the conception of the idea to the online publishing, that can be automated thanks to AI. Artificial intelligence is a very useful companion for not getting bogged down with the blank page syndrome. It can suggest ideas for plans, angles to develop, or even summarize long articles that you don’t have time to study carefully right away.

What tools would you recommend to make SEO content writing easy?

On a daily basis, do not underestimate the wonderful magical powers of the dictionary. Starting with the initial definition of your topic and simply looking up related topics already gives you a great overview of your subject. For this purpose, Antidote is perfect as a dictionary as well as for proofreading and perfecting texts. Then, all the tools that save time to have a global vision of the subject are very interesting. I use YourTextGuru and especially Kill Duplicate almost every day to check duplication levels. Because even with all the sincerity and good intention one can show, no brain is guaranteed not to unconsciously repeat pieces of other texts.

How to Use ChatGPT for Keyword Research: A Comprehensive Guide

Search engines like Bing or Google have recently unveiled their ChatGPT clone. What do you think will be the future challenges for SEO experts?

SEO experts will have to face the same problems as today. That is, they are forced to adapt and rethink their strategies according to the new possibilities of search engines. What is really positive, in my opinion, is the complexity that SEO is becoming as the years go by. Of course, it can become more and more frustrating too. Indeed, if we consider that the positioning factors are more and more numerous, and complement each other, it also becomes more complex to measure exactly where the results come from. However, this also allows us to broaden our horizons and to look for new solutions to make our content more valuable.

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