Guide: Tips and Best Practices for Marketing on WhatsApp

Sendinblue is a French digital marketing solution that allows you to build relationships with your customers through marketing campaigns on different channels: emails, SMS, Facebook, chat, CRM… It also allows you to create and send campaigns on WhatsApp. In its latest guide, Sendinblue details the advantages of this channel, and gives us all the keys to successful and effective campaigns.

Definition of a WhatsApp campaign

In the first part of its guide, Sendinblue reminds what a WhatsApp campaign is. It is a promotional message sent individually to multiple people. This message can be used to engage your prospects, develop your relationship, or convert them into customers.

WhatsApp campaign are like email campaigns subject to GDPR. The contacts you send the campaigns to must have explicitly given their permission. So they are 100% opt-in campaigns as it can be done on other channels.

Among the specificities of WhatsApp campaign, they must be approved by Meta, so that the platform ensures the relevance of the content transmitted. In order to send campaigns, you will have to use a business account on WhatsApp (not your personal account, nor the WhatsApp Business application) and connect it to a provider such as Sendinblue. The campaigns cannot be sent natively, they must be created and sent via a provider.

As a reminder, WhatsApp Business Platform is an API, so you have to use a third party solution to access it.

The benefits of WhatsApp campaign

WhatsApp is still not widely used in marketing campaigns, yet this channel offers many advantages:

  • A strong international audience: WhatsApp has over 2 billion users in 180 countries. The application is used in many emerging markets, and is very popular in India, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico. In France, the application has 20.8 million users.
  • High engagement rate: unlike email, WhatsApp messages are read a lot, and very quickly. 80% are viewed within 5 minutes, and the open rate is 98% with a click rate between 45 and 60%. Way above the performance of email!
  • A unique format between SMS and email: WhatsApp campaign allow you to send content with a 1,000 character limit. You can also send attachments, audio files, videos or links. The format is therefore very flexible and interactive.
  • A reasonable and flexible price: you are only charged for the messages you send. You can buy sending credits on demand, without any commitment of duration or deadline of use.
  • A medium open to all businesses: Marketing campaigns on WhatsApp are not only reserved for e-commerce professionals. For example, service professionals can use this channel to contact their customers or prospects.
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Tips for successful campaigns

In its guide, Sendinblue provides a list of tips and best practices to follow in order to send successful campaigns:

  • Ask your contacts for consent: the WhatsApp opt-in must be separated from the newsletter opt-in, as it is a different channel. It is forbidden to combine them in order to comply with the RGPD regulation.
  • Send quality campaigns: as for other marketing channels, it is important to send quality and non-intrusive campaigns. Discounts, special offers, or vouchers, for example, are particularly appreciated. Your messages must have a real added value.
  • Personalize your messages: you can segment your contacts according to their purchases and interests, and dynamically insert their first name. The WhatsApp API can connect to your CRM to send customized messages.
  • Reuse templates that work: Sendinblue recommends reusing templates from your most effective campaigns to save time.
  • Create a multi-channel experience: WhatsApp campaign can be used with other channels such as email, SMS or push notifications. An all-in-one solution like Sendinblue will allow you to easily manage all your campaigns, on all your channels.
  • Create unique content: you should use WhatsApp as a specific marketing channel, and not duplicate your email campaigns. You should use specific images, dedicated CTAs…

To learn more about WhatsApp campaign and how to use them effectively, you can download the full guide at the link below. And to learn more about Sendinblue’s WhatsApp marketing features, visit this link.

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